I keep looking for sunlight in dark nights
where the moon’s shine does not feed
my soul, nor do the stars that twinkle lead
me to paths beyond my grasp’s heights.
I need the effervescence of blinding lights
to engulf me in strength within my need
for meager whispers that seem to impede
my vision from the lacking, luminous lights.Twilight falls and the darkness devours
your precious sunlight
and your pathetic quest for it;
if sunlight were to shine at these hours,
your useless moonlight
is then palpable as deplorable wit.@kwirb #30Days30Sonnets
Written as a response to a CHALLENGE on AllPoetry.com, using the following writing prompt “I keep looking for sunlight in…” I kind of feel like I’m cheating by using a prompt but, in fairness, the rest of my poems this whole time were prompt-less, haha. And it’s day #23 of this, so I’m surprised I have had it in me somehow, lol. Thanks!