The Freedom of Dreams
I look up towards my dream
Feeling what I would feel
And from the cloud seeps through a beam
of which was once a sealThe cloud was not one of the good
leaving only what was bad
if I could, would, to as I should,
the dream is what I’d haveBut how do I this dream achieve
if clouds blind every thought?
Reality is what I’d leave
for everything I’ve soughtI’ve often danced in dreams since birth
the steps are what I’ll be
When dreams and I fulfill our worth
by that I shall be free– Joanna Finella
November 21st 2000.I wrote this in high school in the cafeteria in between classes while my English teacher was sitting across form me marking papers. I had just got into writing poetry, was on a high from watching Dead Poet’s Society, and found everything to be poetic. So this teacher challenged me to write something while they marked papers. This is what I came up with. #ChallengeAccepted