The Dreamer


The Dreamer


End will come to one’s life
Yet, live on will one’s life’s dreams
Dreams are but farfetched visions
Still, prolonging we do to our presumptions
Presumptions exist among hope
But perish not will our bright prospects of desire
Desires may be seen as necessity
However it is seen in view of the prospector
Prospectors see only through eyes
So, see only one, not two of the zealot
Zealots have become admirable colossi
Invariably abiding in their beliefs, so to them I praise

If this you are, you shall wonder in awe.
If this you are not, know that you are enticed to live.

For one who lives without a dream,
Holds a dream without a life.
A dreamer I am, despite the speculation of others.
For without reverie, I am not myself.

-Joanna Finella
March 7th 2000.

I have written many variations of this poem; it was originally just the last 4 lines and blurbs here and there that I couldn’t decide how to piece together; then I felt it needed better explaining. The longest version of this was written for my 18th birthday leaflets. Should I find it, I shall tag it in this post in an update. Upon re-reading this poem, unlike some of the other things I’ve written, I can honestly say that this would be in my Top Five.