



There are old superstitions that often mislead
into believing the improbable truth; and it’s somehow
pliable yet sturdy in form, from then until now.
It is from these menial things that we formulate creeds.

But when proof prevails and truths concede,
there is something strangely poetic that it can allow
leeway from our vagueness’ blur to our furrowed brow.
It is a stampede of misleading feathery feats, indeed.

Extract the feats of one way beliefs and decoys of joy,
from skies full of jagged stars, points of moot,
wayward truth; Recall it’s guffaw heard in silence.

Reminisce in these altered personas that we employ
to cope with jolting doubts afloat in this cloudy truth;
Timelessly barking at your useless, defiant misguidance.

@kwirb #30Days30Sonnets
September 13th 2015