I am content with lesser poems that show
my lack of skill in rhyme and words that blend;
or when revision’d greater things are penned
with useless words and phrase’s endless flow.
Perhaps, in time, I will revise, although,
with metric phrase it often tends to bend
with rhymes or less; this poet’s pressings lend
some words of woe, thus, ending flow.
You seem to have the meters right (I guess),
but think of what these words convey to you
and if it’s worth “a good review” explored.
Perhaps you’re less of prodigy’s success
and more of vague and strange retorts that spew
amorphous blobs of turgid verbiage adored.
@kwirb #30Days30Sonnets
Joined a workshop / forum group where the moderators basically shit on people instead of giving feedback. Now, in fairness, they did warn ahead that they are ruthless — but when they purposely lock your post after giving feedback — meaning no one else can give you feedback nor can you respond to their query, it’s just wrong– because then it’s no longer a workshop; it becomes an avenue to bully others with their “superior knowledge” and shut the door in their face instead of, oh, I dunno, accepting revisions? I submitted Red Wine to them, someone had given me feedback, I revised it about a week later, and then a moderator chimed in, calling my sonnet an “amorphous blob of turgid verbiage”, then promptly locked the post, which has inspired me to write today’s sonnet using his own words, lol. Thanks, Howard M2! Also, according to this moderator, revisions are apparently only doable after a minimum of 6 months — and that he didn’t expect me to revise anything before April 2016. Like, wtf, bruh? Maybe I should go brood in a corner somewhere first for six months, cry about all sorts of meaningless crap, and come back 6 months later with better prose?
On a lighter note, if anyone can direct me to a better workshop, I’d super appreciate any feedback or recommendations. I’m part of AllPoetry.com, but I find the poets there are the polar opposite — being too nice instead of critical, lol.
As I said, I don’t mind the criticism — it’s an occupational hazard. What I cannot tolerate, is the locking of posts in a forum to prevent a) Other people giving you feedback and b) to re-assert their dominance in a field where they are apparently more superior to me, close a work-in-progress post, discard revisions, and flip me the proverbial bird.