Mass Media Minions
Mass Media Minions
Newsworthy, noteworthy, all of it surreal.
We are the minions of their humble opinion.
People, places, things; a treacle less regal,
to nourish the common, empty-vessel’d civilian.And it does not matter if you are resilient
For all that you hear cannot be unheard
For the millions, and billions, and trillions
is your neighbor and friend, who quotes every word.So, now that you know of each action occurred,
Of the facts irrelevant; sustained, remain mundane’d,
It is enough. To corrupt. And beseech and unlearn.
We are Mass Media Minions; lamed and contained.We seemingly dream of keeping heads and eyes on,
but can we rise above the artificial horizons?
@kwirb #30Days30Sonnets
September 6th 2015.