Dithering Gibberish
Your moralistic judgments fade, countering slighter compulsion;
(necessary, you suppose, adjusting to the diversity of the times)
beyond them, unmasked admissions: total unmitigated revulsion.Blundered words fail to address, in schemes or in rhymes,
the sinking slips of misdeeds excused from your countenance;
Does apathy wink at the negligent indifference in slight crimes?Your boundless disinterest, acceptance of ignorance, in consonance
with your heedlessness’ needs to impress upon me impressionistic
jargon, provisions that do nothing but behoove my moral sustenance.Yet, this dilemma is as pointless as your surrealistic logistics
whose voiceless facts are smothering scores of statistical vendetta
and further expunging sums of unrealistic and more imperialisticideals. This dilemma whose ownership divides; this taunting dilemma,
offed hopeful days and blithe nights, from faded, foggy, tattered morals
to the unenlightened lethargy of your oddly stoic, emboldened agenda.I do not need nor desire to indicate in specificity to which immoral
tolerance or to what demeanor, that implicates or disproves your deeds;
however, I may, with tact, upturn your strife towards a laudable quarrel.@kwirb #30Days30Sonnets
Experimenting with terza rima; in response to the decline of the educational practices and standards plaguing the media as of late.