Category: Poetry


Longfellow’s Bellow


Better for worse; born, torn and worn
The memories of what we’ve dreamed
The recklessness of actions schemed
Amidst the shades and shadows forlorn

Trinkets, kinks, and scar-adorned
Nothingness in darkness screamed
The seething words of Carpe Diem
Resolutely warns towards the scorned

Blending, trending, unoffending
We hitch along to a worn path’s ride
Generations of normalcy repeating

Mending, tending, comprehending
Unleash our needs of pride inside:
“Art is long and Time is fleeting.”

@kwirb #30Days30Sonnets
September 1st 2015


The Dreamer


End will come to one’s life
Yet, live on will one’s life’s dreams
Dreams are but farfetched visions
Still, prolonging we do to our presumptions
Presumptions exist among hope
But perish not will our bright prospects of desire
Desires may be seen as necessity
However it is seen in view of the prospector
Prospectors see only through eyes
So, see only one, not two of the zealot
Zealots have become admirable colossi
Invariably abiding in their beliefs, so to them I praise

If this you are, you shall wonder in awe.
If this you are not, know that you are enticed to live.

For one who lives without a dream,
Holds a dream without a life.
A dreamer I am, despite the speculation of others.
For without reverie, I am not myself.

-Joanna Finella
March 7th 2000.

I have written many variations of this poem; it was originally just the last 4 lines and blurbs here and there that I couldn’t decide how to piece together; then I felt it needed better explaining. The longest version of this was written for my 18th birthday leaflets. Should I find it, I shall tag it in this post in an update. Upon re-reading this poem, unlike some of the other things I’ve written, I can honestly say that this would be in my Top Five.


Sonnet I


this is what I dreamt last night
I saw my dreams begin to fade away
the very dreams that guided me just yesterday
are now my non-dreams: My Plight

I watched my non-dreams take flight
they soared along the breadth of day
they glided with some birds at play
it broke my heart to see that sight

my plight existed in non-dreams
I thought away my dreams did fade
in all this time, I’d still lament…

my heart is burnt from sunbeams
of pain and courage are my dreams re-made
yet, last night, this is what I dreamt

-Joanna Finella
August 6th 2003.

This may be my first sonnet. I’m not sure when the original was written, but I can remember I had edited this from something I wrote in high school.


A Sonnet for Beyond the Clouds


Shapeless droplets that intertwine
With colorful pours of cigarette smoke;
As celestial thoughts/galactic hopes, cloak
The weeping figures of the mind

Vanishing bodies finding space in time –
Through the noisy sights, ideas awoke
From the depthless seas of figures soaked
Drunken. Demystified. Bloodied. Sublime.

Obstructed eyes swollen from non-reality
Pupils shifting in a calm, crimson void,
Whilst tears stream for the nebular dreams unheard

Swam swarms in fog, vapor, and incapacity –
Grasping mist. Anguishing in overjoyed
appearances altered amidst innards stirred.

-Joanna Finella
June 26th 2011.


Untitled / A Day’s End (Ode to God)


Life’s not life if there’s no unfair
Otherwise, you are living a dream.
Life is life if there is the unfair
Because you are the Dream.

-Joanna Finella
April 28th 2000.


Complete! Complete!  Done is the day,
Yet so incomplete.
Go as I shall,
do what I must;
Still, it is never enough,
for You.

-Joanna Finella
February 7th 2000.


Your Sonnet for Motley Sins in the Land of…


The solid flow of water, of You
A river of innocence, hence foretold;
In endless streams of Wavering Truth-
Your Nemesis: The Waterfalls of Cold

The past on rocks, grime, and mold
You’ve sunken leave beneath heavy sand
Ridges of nature’s dam(ned), where mountains unfold
Grass for your muddy pathway’s demand.

Your leafless tree branched untouched hands,
Lightning knives and thunder crack.
The Land of Solace stances dance;
Confusion: Your constant in swirls of Black

The lights have dimmed, through exquisite winds,
You dare not dream of forgiven sins.

-Joanna Finella
November 24th 2009.


A Sonnet of (Silence.)


Silence is the sweetest sound
Fooling our minds to think it’s free
Yet hearts soak through the ebbing sea
In an agonizing, pulsating pound

Scents of the Earth beneath the ground
Leaves through wind whispering its plea
“Our trees are rooted and never free…”
Voices hold captive the silence abound.

Nature’s music is melancholic with pain
Primal and selfish, clouding the day
Silencing minds– in darkness, hearts cry

For wind will batter our souls with rain
And sweet silence will, beyond the fray,
Sound beyond our distant sky.

-Joanna Finella
May 8th 2010




Fortitude seemingly lurks beyond the fray
Celestial thoughts abound in starry wisps
Truths forgotten to misled, follied hope
The oceanic gravity of unforgiving tears wept

Depthless voids in spaced voiding depths
Time has stilled in such useless dreams
As palpable as life’s downtrodden dissonance
A drowning viscosity of liquid copper’d fantasies

The symphonic arrangement of a reality tormented
Blissfully sounds in the distance of disclarity
Echoing in panicked, self-assured whispers
Beyond this fray cries Fortitude

-Joanna Finella
May 1st 2012

This is a poem about a priest buff in World of Warcraft, haha. Super dramatized, of course.


Sonnet Unmade


Dried tears on a face
Fingers numb from shaking
Body parts forsaking
Nails grazing in haste

Planets, time, and space
Err to defy making
My dreams from their waking
Escaped from the craze

Denying me of power
Filled with euphoric demise
Nourishment unsent

The wine, bitter and sour,
Keeping me from truth’s surmise
Wasted, flawed, and spent.

– Joanna Finella
September 4th 2007.

So, I totally found this piece of paper wedged into the score sheet of our Scrabble board. Along with other pieces of random writing. Lol, this better not have been written because I lost in Scrabble, haha. I suppose I should publish more of my works as to not lose them unintentionally as I have almost lost this little gem. I wonder how much I’ve lost in scraps of paper throughout the years. -__-


Niente Fortissimo


Deliberate, simple life. Strings.
A tempo beats, drowning tones in modest,
Closing in on echoing lines ne’er converging,
Vibratos falling away in sonorous waves,
Lamenting the binary of space and time,
As atoms sweetly in points collide.

Melodic Convictions. (sotto voce)

Bold, easily broken chords. Always.
Swiftly sounding in triumphant staccato,
Along heavy winds of melancholic legato,
Pleas in harmonic flight sustain its duet,
Reverberating softly beyond the voices;
A symphony of torment and sick.

-Joanna Finella
September 7th 2008.

I wrote this on the morning of Spore for PC launch. I remember specifically writing it on the back of some of the dvd sleeves for the dummy boxes for our marketing gondola. I have no idea why this came to me… must have been a rough morning? And at the time, the store I was running was literally down the street from me, so I can’t imagine what had happened from a 10 minute walk, lol. But it seems to roll off the tip of the tongue quite pleasantly, despite the final line of torment and sick. I’d edit it, but then I’d know that it wasn’t the original… I’ve had this published previously on other online poetry blogs, and it had ranked #1 for about 2 years until the site was taken over by some other company. It’s probably one of my favorites.