Candle Lit Candle (A Palindromic Sonnet)


Candle Lit Candle (A Palindromic Sonnet)


Love of paths within journeys mistaking
Above from which Gods and Saints jeopardized
Wicked Candles — these are tempting and waking
Sadness blamed anger when that angel materialized

Tricked intersections whose roads are forsaken
Madness laments — Heaven! Reign chaos and fire!
Dire are thoughts provoked when dreams awaken
Awaken dreams when provoked thoughts are dire

Fire and chaos reign — Heaven laments madness!
Forsaken are roads whose intersections tricked
Materialized angel that, when anger blamed sadness,
Waking and tempting are these candles wicked

Jeopardized saints and gods which from above
Mistaking journeys within paths of love

– Joanna Finella
April 22nd 2014.

Written during a TESL session, out of sheer boredom, and experimenting retrograde palindromic poetry. I think the iambic pentameter is off, so feel free to beta if you have any suggestions.

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