Author: kwirb


Sorry I Can’t Sing


However, I did want to test out the Audacity program with my AT2020 + Yamaha Guitalele  on Windows 10. Apologies to the Everly Brothers for butchering their classic, but at least I know that the equipment still works on a new OS, lol?


Valley Serene

VALLEY SERENEIMG_20150903_154047

walk with me on a valley of flatlines
steer us away from the shrouds of crowds
stay with me on this mountain of pastimes
dream with me on these billowing clouds

these deadlines grow narrow and time will not yield
to our weary feet and these tempered missteps
whose tempos have harrowed and yet to reveal
how our souls have circled in vortex perplexed

grow with me like an aged tree
whose branches and leaves tumultuously fall
through wind and rain, your company
will weather strengthen my weakest resolve

our roots intertwine in this soil, unclean
by the river and streams of our valley serene

@kwirb #30Days30Sonnets
September 3rd 2015.


Fate’s Reverie


The sentiments of fates unrestored
Along the rapid waves, faiths have changed
Through mindless states of sanity reformed
Among the jagged lengths of stories staged

These words that wander from wedge to wedge
Their letters and numbers have failed to transmit
The truth’s been sentenced without a pledge
Roughage and scrappings for paragraphs encrypt’d

Weaving lies beneath more lies
The stories surprise poor truth’s demise
From dreamy eyes true glimpses lie
These lies are unwise to feign surprise

The reality from this fantasy purged
Whilst to reverie does fate submerge

@kwirb #30Days30Sonnets
September 2nd 2015.



The Tentative Score (another WIP)


I composed this on a whim for a film competition as an undergraduate at DLSU-M. It was a Siemen’s competition, those who participated were given the latest cell phone by Siemens and were asked to make a short film with it. I believe I just shot random people along my commute to and from campus, then recorded this on (literally) my piano, then did some minor post-production and embedded this song as the track so that I wouldn’t have to deal with shady dialogue recording and audio imbalance, haha. It almost (almost) sounds like an old recording. I will say that this was circa 2003-2004.

I’ve been thinking of reworking this, I’ve come up with a bit of an extension but, as usual, I can’t seem to finish the things I start.


Convoy Train: Tentative Theme


This is a tentative theme that’s a work in progress for a screenplay that is also a work in progress, lol.


Longfellow’s Bellow


Better for worse; born, torn and worn
The memories of what we’ve dreamed
The recklessness of actions schemed
Amidst the shades and shadows forlorn

Trinkets, kinks, and scar-adorned
Nothingness in darkness screamed
The seething words of Carpe Diem
Resolutely warns towards the scorned

Blending, trending, unoffending
We hitch along to a worn path’s ride
Generations of normalcy repeating

Mending, tending, comprehending
Unleash our needs of pride inside:
“Art is long and Time is fleeting.”

@kwirb #30Days30Sonnets
September 1st 2015




I would like to challenge all artists to this; 30 days, 30 sonnets. Don’t forget to use #30Days30Sonnets, and [twitter-follow screen_name=’kwirb’ show_count=’yes’] to see who else is up to the challenge! CLICK HERE FOR DETAILS ON HOW THIS CHALLENGE WORKS and click the poster to the left to see Kwirb’s #30Days30Sonnets contributions.

My regular poetry contributions will be available through the poetry tab on the top of this page (or by scrolling down), otherwise anything relating to #30Days30Sonnets can be found in its own section.