An Open Sonnet For Ignoramus


An Open Sonnet For Ignoramus


They walk among us – Ignoramus – as shimmers.
Frightfully,  they awake, oblivious to its hosts.
With their gleaming eyes that glow dimmer,
they consume in breaths, among us as ghosts.

Growling sheepishly with their fiendish smiles,
laughing therein, where there is no laughter.
With their pompously petty excuses running miles,
laps around our grave – Ignoramus – happy, thereafter.

And perhaps my thoughts, though morbid be,
Are mere assumptions born from lucid pain.
But when shimmers solidify to blind my family,
It quickly tips my scales from sane to bane.

These faulty souls bring out my actions worst;
You’ll beg my pardon, as my family always comes first.

@kwirb #30Days30Sonnets
On a road trip! Sorry it’s late…