Month: September 2015


Longfellow’s Bellow


Better for worse; born, torn and worn
The memories of what we’ve dreamed
The recklessness of actions schemed
Amidst the shades and shadows forlorn

Trinkets, kinks, and scar-adorned
Nothingness in darkness screamed
The seething words of Carpe Diem
Resolutely warns towards the scorned

Blending, trending, unoffending
We hitch along to a worn path’s ride
Generations of normalcy repeating

Mending, tending, comprehending
Unleash our needs of pride inside:
“Art is long and Time is fleeting.”

@kwirb #30Days30Sonnets
September 1st 2015




I would like to challenge all artists to this; 30 days, 30 sonnets. Don’t forget to use #30Days30Sonnets, and [twitter-follow screen_name=’kwirb’ show_count=’yes’] to see who else is up to the challenge! CLICK HERE FOR DETAILS ON HOW THIS CHALLENGE WORKS and click the poster to the left to see Kwirb’s #30Days30Sonnets contributions.

My regular poetry contributions will be available through the poetry tab on the top of this page (or by scrolling down), otherwise anything relating to #30Days30Sonnets can be found in its own section.